
PastorsPDX exists to unify, connect, and strengthen pastors from all denominations, races and economic spectrums to partner together in building healthy local churches who are committed to transforming all sectors of the greater Portland/Vancouver area through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

In the midst of so many isolating pressures that come with ministry, we believe that no pastor should ever walk alone. We are committed to creating safe, honest, authentic relationships that give every pastor the place to be encouraged, receive care and prayer and be strengthened for their daily challenges they face. We believe that healthy leaders produce healthy churches, which in turn brings health and life to all sectors of society. There are many pastors’ groups that exist throughout the city that meet on a regular basis to encourage and pray for one another. If you are looking for a pastors’ group or if you lead a group we haven’t listed and want to invite others to join, please let us know with the button below.


Regional Pastors Groups

Please email the contact listed before showing up to a group for the first time, as times and locations are subject to change.

Portland Area Youth Ministry Networks

Do you work in youth ministry? We offer monthly gatherings specifically for people in vocational youth ministry (both church and parachurch) to connect with others in their area. Please text or email the contact listed below before showing up, as times and locations may change.